All Functions and Procedures

Name Unit Description
glfwCreateCursor Neslib.Glfw3

Creates a custom cursor.

glfwCreateStandardCursor Neslib.Glfw3

Creates a cursor with a standard shape.

glfwCreateWindow Neslib.Glfw3

Creates a window and its associated context.

glfwDefaultWindowHints Neslib.Glfw3

Resets all window hints to their default values.

glfwDestroyCursor Neslib.Glfw3

Destroys a cursor.

glfwDestroyWindow Neslib.Glfw3

Destroys the specified window and its context.

glfwExtensionSupported Neslib.Glfw3

Returns whether the specified extension is available.

glfwFocusWindow Neslib.Glfw3

Brings the specified window to front and sets input focus.

glfwGetClipboardString Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the contents of the clipboard as a string.

glfwGetCocoaMonitor Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the CGDirectDisplayID of the specified monitor.

glfwGetCocoaWindow Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the NSWindow of the specified window.

glfwGetCurrentContext Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the window whose context is current on the calling thread.

glfwGetCursorPos Neslib.Glfw3

Retrieves the position of the cursor relative to the client area of the window.

glfwGetFramebufferSize Neslib.Glfw3

Retrieves the size of the framebuffer of the specified window.

glfwGetGammaRamp Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the current gamma ramp for the specified monitor.

glfwGetInputMode Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the value of an input option for the specified window.

glfwGetJoystickAxes Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the values of all axes of the specified joystick.

glfwGetJoystickButtons Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the state of all buttons of the specified joystick.

glfwGetJoystickName Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the name of the specified joystick.

glfwGetKey Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the last reported state of a keyboard key for the specified window.

glfwGetKeyName Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the localized name of the specified printable key.

glfwGetMonitorName Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the name of the specified monitor.

glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the physical size of the monitor.

glfwGetMonitorPos Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the position of the monitor's viewport on the virtual screen.

glfwGetMonitors Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the currently connected monitors.

glfwGetMouseButton Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the last reported state of a mouse button for the specified window.

glfwGetNSGLContext Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the NSOpenGLContext of the specified window.

glfwGetPrimaryMonitor Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the primary monitor.

glfwGetProcAddress Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the address of the specified function for the current context.

glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the Vulkan instance extensions required by GLFW.

glfwGetTime Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the value of the GLFW timer.

glfwGetTimerFrequency Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the frequency, in Hz, of the raw timer.

glfwGetTimerValue Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the current value of the raw timer.

glfwGetVersion Neslib.Glfw3

Retrieves the version of the GLFW library.

glfwGetVersionString Neslib.Glfw3

Returns a string describing the compile-time configuration.

glfwGetVideoMode Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the current mode of the specified monitor.

glfwGetVideoModes Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the available video modes for the specified monitor.

glfwGetWGLContext Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the HGLRC of the specified window.

glfwGetWin32Adapter Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the adapter device name of the specified monitor.

glfwGetWin32Monitor Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the display device name of the specified monitor.

glfwGetWin32Window Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the HWND of the specified window.

glfwGetWindowAttrib Neslib.Glfw3

Returns an attribute of the specified window.

glfwGetWindowFrameSize Neslib.Glfw3

Retrieves the size of the frame of the window.

glfwGetWindowMonitor Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the monitor that the window uses for full screen mode.

glfwGetWindowPos Neslib.Glfw3

Retrieves the position of the client area of the specified window.

glfwGetWindowSize Neslib.Glfw3

Retrieves the size of the client area of the specified window.

glfwGetWindowUserPointer Neslib.Glfw3

Returns the user pointer of the specified window.

glfwHideWindow Neslib.Glfw3

Hides the specified window.

glfwIconifyWindow Neslib.Glfw3

Iconifies the specified window.

glfwInit Neslib.Glfw3

Initializes the GLFW library.

glfwJoystickPresent Neslib.Glfw3

Returns whether the specified joystick is present.

glfwMakeContextCurrent Neslib.Glfw3

Makes the context of the specified window current for the calling thread.

glfwMaximizeWindow Neslib.Glfw3

Maximizes the specified window.

glfwPollEvents Neslib.Glfw3

Processes all pending events.

glfwPostEmptyEvent Neslib.Glfw3

Posts an empty event to the event queue.

glfwRestoreWindow Neslib.Glfw3

Restores the specified window.

glfwSetCharCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the Unicode character callback.

glfwSetCharModsCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the Unicode character with modifiers callback.

glfwSetClipboardString Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the clipboard to the specified string.

glfwSetCursor Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the cursor for the window.

glfwSetCursorEnterCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the cursor enter/exit callback.

glfwSetCursorPos Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the position of the cursor, relative to the client area of the window.

glfwSetCursorPosCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the cursor position callback.

glfwSetDropCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the file drop callback.

glfwSetErrorCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the error callback.

glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the framebuffer resize callback for the specified window.

glfwSetGamma Neslib.Glfw3

Generates a gamma ramp and sets it for the specified monitor.

glfwSetGammaRamp Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the current gamma ramp for the specified monitor.

glfwSetInputMode Neslib.Glfw3

Sets an input option for the specified window.

glfwSetJoystickCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the joystick configuration callback.

glfwSetKeyCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the key callback.

glfwSetMonitorCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the monitor configuration callback.

glfwSetMouseButtonCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the mouse button callback.

glfwSetScrollCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the scroll callback.

glfwSetTime Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the GLFW timer.

glfwSetWindowAspectRatio Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the aspect ratio of the specified window.

glfwSetWindowCloseCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the close callback for the specified window.

glfwSetWindowFocusCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the focus callback for the specified window.

glfwSetWindowIcon Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the icon for the specified window.

glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the iconify callback for the specified window.

glfwSetWindowMonitor Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the mode, monitor, video mode and placement of a window.

glfwSetWindowPos Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the position of the client area of the specified window.

glfwSetWindowPosCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the position callback for the specified window.

glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the refresh callback for the specified window.

glfwSetWindowShouldClose Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the close flag of the specified window.

glfwSetWindowSize Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the size of the client area of the specified window.

glfwSetWindowSizeCallback Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the size callback for the specified window.

glfwSetWindowSizeLimits Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the size limits of the specified window.

glfwSetWindowTitle Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the title of the specified window.

glfwSetWindowUserPointer Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the user pointer of the specified window.

glfwShowWindow Neslib.Glfw3

Makes the specified window visible.

glfwSwapBuffers Neslib.Glfw3

Swaps the front and back buffers of the specified window.

glfwSwapInterval Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the swap interval for the current context.

glfwTerminate Neslib.Glfw3

Terminates the GLFW library.

glfwVulkanSupported Neslib.Glfw3

Returns whether the Vulkan loader has been found.

glfwWaitEvents Neslib.Glfw3

Waits until events are queued and processes them.

glfwWaitEventsTimeout Neslib.Glfw3

Waits with timeout until events are queued and processes them.

glfwWindowHint Neslib.Glfw3

Sets the specified window hint to the desired value.

glfwWindowShouldClose Neslib.Glfw3

Checks the close flag of the specified window.

Generated by PasDocEx, based on PasDoc 0.14.0.