All Types

Name Unit Description
PSourceLocation Neslib.Clang


TAvailabilityKind Neslib.Clang

The availability of a particular entity, which indicates whether the use of this entity will result in a warning or error due to it being deprecated or unavailable.

TCallingConv Neslib.Clang

Describes the calling convention of a function type

TChildVisitResult Neslib.Clang

Describes how the traversal of the children of a particular cursor should proceed after visiting a particular child cursor.

TCodeCompleteFlag Neslib.Clang

Flags that can be passed to ITranslationUnit.CodeCompleteAt to modify its behavior.

TCodeCompleteFlags Neslib.Clang


TCommentInlineCommandRenderKind Neslib.Clang

The most appropriate rendering mode for an inline command, chosen on command semantics in Doxygen.

TCommentKind Neslib.Clang

Describes the type of the comment AST node (TComment).

TCommentParamPassDirection Neslib.Clang

Describes parameter passing direction for \param or \arg command.

TCompletionChunkKind Neslib.Clang

Describes a single piece of text within a code-completion string.

TCursorAndRangeVisitor Neslib.Clang

Visitor that receives a cursor and source range

TCursorAndRangeVisitorMethod Neslib.Clang


TCursorKind Neslib.Clang

Describes the kind of entity that a cursor refers to.

TCursorVisitor Neslib.Clang

Visitor invoked for each cursor found by a traversal.

TCursorVisitorMethod Neslib.Clang


TCxxAccessSpecifier Neslib.Clang

The C++ access control level to a base class for a cursor with kind CXXBaseSpecifier.

TDiagnosticDisplayOption Neslib.Clang

Options to control the display of diagnostics.

TDiagnosticDisplayOptions Neslib.Clang


TDiagnosticSeverity Neslib.Clang

The severity of a particular diagnostic.

TError Neslib.Clang

Error codes returned by libclang routines.

TEvalResultKind Neslib.Clang

Kinds of evaluation results

TFieldVisitor Neslib.Clang

Visitor invoked for each field found by a traversal.

TFieldVisitorMethod Neslib.Clang


TGlobalOption Neslib.Clang


TGlobalOptions Neslib.Clang


TIdxAttrKind Neslib.Clang


TIdxClientContainer Neslib.Clang

The client's data object that is associated with a semantic container of entities.

TIdxClientEntity Neslib.Clang

The client's data object that is associated with a semantic entity.

TIdxClientFile Neslib.Clang

The client's data object that is associated with a TFile.

TIdxEntityCxxTemplateKind Neslib.Clang


TIdxEntityKind Neslib.Clang


TIdxEntityLanguage Neslib.Clang


TIdxEntityRefKind Neslib.Clang

Data for IIndexerListener.IndexEntityReference.

TIdxObjCContainerKind Neslib.Clang


TInclusionVisitor Neslib.Clang

Visitor invoked for each file in a translation unit (used with ITranslationUnit.GetInclusions).

TInclusionVisitorMethod Neslib.Clang


TIndexOption Neslib.Clang

Indexer options used by IIndexAction

TIndexOptions Neslib.Clang


TLanguageKind Neslib.Clang

The "language" of the entity referred to by a cursor

TLinkageKind Neslib.Clang

The linkage of the entity referred to by a cursor.

TLoadDiagError Neslib.Clang

Describes the kind of error that occurred (if any) in a call to TDiagnosticSet.Load

TNameRefFlag Neslib.Clang

Name reference flags

TNameRefFlags Neslib.Clang


TObjCDeclQualifierKind Neslib.Clang

'Qualifiers' written next to the return and parameter types in Objective-C method declarations.

TObjCDeclQualifierKinds Neslib.Clang


TObjCPropertyAttrKind Neslib.Clang

Property attributes for a ObjCPropertyDecl cursors.

TObjCPropertyAttrKinds Neslib.Clang


TRefQualifierKind Neslib.Clang

Kinds of reference qualifiers

TResourceUsageKind Neslib.Clang

Categorizes how memory is being used by a translation unit.

TSaveResult Neslib.Clang

Describes the kind of error that occurred (if any) in a call to ITranslationUnit.Save.

TStorageClass Neslib.Clang

The storage classes as declared in the source.

TTemplateArgumentKind Neslib.Clang

Describes the kind of a template argument.

TTlsKind Neslib.Clang

The "thread-local storage (TLS) kind" of the declaration referred to by a cursor.

TTokenKind Neslib.Clang

A kind of token.

TTranslationUnitFlag Neslib.Clang

Flags that control the creation of translation units.

TTranslationUnitFlags Neslib.Clang


TTypeKind Neslib.Clang

Describes the kind of a type

TVisibility Neslib.Clang

The visibility of an entity referenced by a cursor.

TVisitorResult Neslib.Clang

Visitors must return one of these values.

TVisitResult Neslib.Clang

Result of a visitor function.

Generated by PasDocEx, based on PasDoc 0.14.0.