All Functions and Procedures

Name Unit Description
Abs Neslib.FastMath

Calculates an absolute value.

ArcCos Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the angle whose cosine is A.

ArcCosh Neslib.FastMath

Calculates an inverse hyperbolic cosine.

ArcSin Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the angle whose sine is A.

ArcSinh Neslib.FastMath

Calculates an inverse hyperbolic sine.

ArcTan Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the angle whose tangent is A.

ArcTan2 Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the principal value of the arctangent of Y/X, expressed in radians.

ArcTanh Neslib.FastMath

Calculates an inverse hyperbolic tangent.

Ceil Neslib.FastMath

Rounds a value towards positive infinity.

Cos Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the cosine of an angle.

Cosh Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a hyperbolic cosine.

Degrees Neslib.FastMath

Converts radians to degrees.

DisableFloatingPointExceptions Neslib.FastMath

Disables floating-point exceptions.

EnsureRange Neslib.FastMath

Clamps a given value into a range.

Exp Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a natural exponentiation (that is, e raised to a given power).

Exp2 Neslib.FastMath

Calculates 2 raised to a power.

FastArcTan2 Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the principal value of the arctangent of Y/X, expressed in radians.

FastCos Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the cosine of an angle.

FastExp Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a natural exponentiation (that is, e raised to a given power).

FastExp2 Neslib.FastMath

Calculates 2 raised to a power.

FastLn Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a natural logarithm.

FastLog2 Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a base 2 logarithm.

FastPower Neslib.FastMath

Calculates ABase raised to the AExponent power.

FastSin Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the sine of an angle.

FastSinCos Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the sine and cosine of an angle.

FastTan Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the tangent of an angle.

Floor Neslib.FastMath

Rounds a value towards negative infinity.

FMA Neslib.FastMath

Fused Multiply and Add (if available).

FMod Neslib.FastMath


Frac Neslib.FastMath

Returns the fractional part of a number.

InverseSqrt Neslib.FastMath

Calculates an inverse square root.

IVector2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2D vector with the two elements (X and Y) set to A1 and A2 respectively.

IVector2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2D vector with the two elements (X and Y) set to A.

IVector2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2D zero-vector.

IVector3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3D vector with the three elements (X, Y and Z) set to A1, A2 and A3 respectively.

IVector3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3D vector with the three elements (X, Y and Z) set to A.

IVector3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3D zero-vector.

IVector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the four elements (X, Y, Z and W) set to A1, A2, A3 and A4 respectively.

IVector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D zero-vector.

IVector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the four elements (X, Y, Z and W) set to A.

Ln Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a natural logarithm.

Log2 Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a base 2 logarithm.

Matrix2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2x2 matrix with explicit values.

Matrix2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2x2 using the top-left corner of a 3x3 matrix.

Matrix2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2x2 using the top-left corner of a 4x4 matrix.

Matrix2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2x2 identity matrix

Note: it is more efficient to use TMatrix2.Init instead.

Matrix2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2x2 matrix fill with zeros and sets the diagonal.

Matrix2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2x2 matrix using two row vectors.

Matrix3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3x3 matrix by copying a 2x2 matrix to the top-left corner of the 3x3 matrix, and setting the remaining elements according to an identity matrix.

Matrix3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3x3 matrix with explicit values.

Matrix3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3x3 matrix using three row vectors.

Matrix3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3x3 identity matrix

Note: it is more efficient to use TMatrix3.Init instead.

Matrix3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3x3 matrix fill with zeros and sets the diagonal.

Matrix3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3x3 using the top-left corner of a 4x4 matrix.

Matrix4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4x4 matrix by copying a 2x2 matrix to the top-left corner of the 4x4 matrix, and setting the remaining elements according to an identity matrix.

Matrix4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4x4 matrix using four row vectors.

Matrix4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4x4 matrix with explicit values.

Matrix4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4x4 identity matrix

Note: it is more efficient to use TMatrix4.Init instead.

Matrix4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4x4 matrix fill with zeros and sets the diagonal.

Matrix4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4x4 matrix by copying a 3x3 matrix to the top-left corner of the 4x4 matrix, and setting the remaining elements according to an identity matrix.

Max Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the maximum of two values.

Min Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the minimum of two values.

Mix Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a linear blend between two values, using on a progress value.

ModF Neslib.FastMath

Splits a floating-point value into its integer and fractional parts.

OuterProduct Neslib.FastMath

Treats the first parameter C as a column vector (matrix with one column) and the second parameter R as a row vector (matrix with one row) and does a linear algebraic matrix multiply C * R, yielding a matrix whose number of rows and columns matches that of the two vectors.

Power Neslib.FastMath

Calculates ABase raised to the AExponent power.

Quaternion Neslib.FastMath

Creates a quaternion with the given components.

Quaternion Neslib.FastMath

Creates a quaternion from the given axis vector and the angle around that axis in radians.

Quaternion Neslib.FastMath

Creates an identity quaternion (with X, Y and Z set to 0 and W set to 1).

Radians Neslib.FastMath

Converts degrees to radians.

RestoreFloatingPointExceptions Neslib.FastMath

Restore the floating-point exception flags to the state before you called DisableFloatingPointExceptions

Round Neslib.FastMath

Rounds a value towards its nearest integer.

Sign Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the sign of a value.

Sin Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the sine of an angle.

SinCos Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the sine and cosine of an angle.

Sinh Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a hyperbolic sine.

SmoothStep Neslib.FastMath

Performs smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1.

Sqrt Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a square root.

Step Neslib.FastMath

Step function.

Tan Neslib.FastMath

Calculates the tangent of an angle.

Tanh Neslib.FastMath

Calculates a hyperbolic tangent.

Trunc Neslib.FastMath

Rounds a value towards 0.

Vector2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2D vector using the first to elements (X and Y) of a 3D vector.

Vector2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2D vector using the first two elements (X and Y) of a 4D vector.

Vector2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2D vector with the two elements (X and Y) set to A1 and A2 respectively.

Vector2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2D zero-vector.

Vector2 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 2D vector with the two elements (X and Y) set to A.

Vector3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3D vector with the first two elements from a 2D vector, and the third element from a scalar.

Vector3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3D vector with the first element from a scaler, and the last two elements from a 2D vector.

Vector3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3D vector with the three elements (X, Y and Z) set to A1, A2 and A3 respectively.

Vector3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3D zero-vector.

Vector3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3D vector with the three elements (X, Y and Z) set to A.

Vector3 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 3D vector using the first three elements (X, Y and Z) of a 4D vector.

Vector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the first three elements from a 3D vector, and the fourth element from a scalar.

Vector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the first element from a scaler, and the last three elements from a 3D vector.

Vector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the first two elements from two scalars and the last two elements from a 2D vector.

Vector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the first two elements and last two elements from two 2D vectors.

Vector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the first and last elements from two scalars, and the middle two elements from a 2D vector.

Vector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the four elements (X, Y, Z and W) set to A.

Vector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D zero-vector.

Vector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the first two elements from a 2D vector, and the last two elements from two scalars.

Vector4 Neslib.FastMath

Creates a 4D vector with the four elements (X, Y, Z and W) set to A1, A2, A3 and A4 respectively.

Generated by PasDocEx, based on PasDoc 0.14.0.