record TMatrix4




type TMatrix4 = record


A 4x4 matrix in row-major order (M[Row, Column]). You can access the elements directly using M[0,0]..M[3,3] or m11..m44. You can also access the matrix using its four rows R[0]..R[3] (which map directly to the elements M[]).

TMatrix4 is compatible with TMatrix3D in the Delphi RTL. You can typecast between these two types or implicitly convert from one to the other through assignment (eg. MyMatrix4 := MyMatrix3D).

When the conditional define FM_COLUMN_MAJOR is set, the matrix is stored in column-major order instead (M[Column, Row]), and the Rows property and R fields are replaced by Columns and C respectively. Also, in that case assigning an RTL TMatrix3D to a TMatrix4 will transpose the matrix to keep behavior the same.



V: array [0..3] of TVector4
R: array [0..3] of TVector4
M: array [0..3, 0..3] of Single
m11: Single;
m12: Single;
m13: Single;
m14: Single;
m21: Single;
m22: Single;
m23: Single;
m24: Single;
m31: Single;
m32: Single;
m33: Single;
m34: Single;
m41: Single
m42: Single
m43: Single
m44: Single


procedure Init; overload; inline;
procedure Init(const ADiagonal: Single); overload; inline;
procedure Init(const ARow0, ARow1, ARow2, ARow3: TVector4); overload; inline;
procedure Init(const A11, A12, A13, A14, A21, A22, A23, A24, A31, A32, A33, A34, A41, A42, A43, A44: Single); overload; inline;
procedure Init(const AMatrix: TMatrix2); overload; inline;
procedure Init(const AMatrix: TMatrix3); overload; inline;
procedure InitScaling(const AScale: Single); overload;
procedure InitScaling(const AScaleX, AScaleY, AScaleZ: Single); overload; inline;
procedure InitScaling(const AScale: TVector3); overload; inline;
procedure InitTranslation(const ADeltaX, ADeltaY, ADeltaZ: Single); overload; inline;
procedure InitTranslation(const ADelta: TVector3); overload; inline;
procedure InitRotationX(const AAngle: Single);
procedure InitRotationY(const AAngle: Single);
procedure InitRotationZ(const AAngle: Single);
procedure InitRotation(const AAxis: TVector3; const AAngle: Single);
procedure InitRotationYawPitchRoll(const AYaw, APitch, ARoll: Single);
procedure InitRotationHeadingPitchBank(const AHeading, APitch, ABank: Single);
procedure InitLookAtLH(const ACameraPosition, ACameraTarget, ACameraUp: TVector3);
procedure InitLookAtRH(const ACameraPosition, ACameraTarget, ACameraUp: TVector3);
procedure InitLookAtDirLH(const ACameraPosition, ACameraDirection, ACameraUp: TVector3);
procedure InitLookAtDirRH(const ACameraPosition, ACameraDirection, ACameraUp: TVector3);
procedure InitOrthoLH(const AWidth, AHeight, AZNearPlane, AZFarPlane: Single);
procedure InitOrthoRH(const AWidth, AHeight, AZNearPlane, AZFarPlane: Single);
procedure InitOrthoOffCenterLH(const ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, AZNearPlane, AZFarPlane: Single);
procedure InitOrthoOffCenterRH(const ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, AZNearPlane, AZFarPlane: Single);
procedure InitPerspectiveFovLH(const AFieldOfView, AAspectRatio, ANearPlaneDistance, AFarPlaneDistance: Single; const AHorizontalFOV: Boolean = False);
procedure InitPerspectiveFovRH(const AFieldOfView, AAspectRatio, ANearPlaneDistance, AFarPlaneDistance: Single; const AHorizontalFOV: Boolean = False);
class operator Implicit(const A: TMatrix3D): TMatrix4; inline;
class operator Implicit(const A: TMatrix4): TMatrix3D; inline;
class operator Equal(const A, B: TMatrix4): Boolean; inline;
class operator NotEqual(const A, B: TMatrix4): Boolean; inline;
class operator Negative(const A: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
class operator Add(const A: TMatrix4; const B: Single): TMatrix4;
class operator Add(const A: Single; const B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
class operator Add(const A, B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
class operator Subtract(const A: TMatrix4; const B: Single): TMatrix4;
class operator Subtract(const A: Single; const B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
class operator Subtract(const A, B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
class operator Multiply(const A: TMatrix4; const B: Single): TMatrix4;
class operator Multiply(const A: Single; const B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
class operator Multiply(const A: TMatrix4; const B: TVector4): TVector4;
class operator Multiply(const A: TVector4; const B: TMatrix4): TVector4;
class operator Multiply(const A, B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
class operator Divide(const A: TMatrix4; const B: Single): TMatrix4;
class operator Divide(const A: Single; const B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
class operator Divide(const A: TMatrix4; const B: TVector4): TVector4;
class operator Divide(const A: TVector4; const B: TMatrix4): TVector4;
class operator Divide(const A, B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4; inline;
function CompMult(const AOther: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
function Transpose: TMatrix4;
procedure SetTransposed;
function Inverse: TMatrix4;
procedure SetInversed;


property Rows[constAIndex:Integer]: TVector4 read GetRow write SetRow;
property Components[constARow,AColumn:Integer]: Single read GetComponent write SetComponent;
property Determinant: Single read GetDeterminant;



V: array [0..3] of TVector4

Row or column vectors, depending on FM_COLUMN_MAJOR define

R: array [0..3] of TVector4

The four row vectors making up the matrix

M: array [0..3, 0..3] of Single

The elements of the matrix in row-major order

m11: Single;
m12: Single;
m13: Single;
m14: Single;
m21: Single;
m22: Single;
m23: Single;
m24: Single;
m31: Single;
m32: Single;
m33: Single;
m34: Single;
m41: Single
m42: Single
m43: Single
m44: Single


procedure Init; overload; inline;

Initializes the matrix to an identity matrix (filled with 0 and value 1 for the diagonal)

procedure Init(const ADiagonal: Single); overload; inline;

Fills the matrix with zeros and sets the diagonal.

the value to use for the diagonal. Use 1 to set the matrix to an identity matrix.
procedure Init(const ARow0, ARow1, ARow2, ARow3: TVector4); overload; inline;

Initializes the matrix using four row vectors.

the first row of the matrix.
the second row of the matrix.
the third row of the matrix.
the fourth row of the matrix.
procedure Init(const A11, A12, A13, A14, A21, A22, A23, A24, A31, A32, A33, A34, A41, A42, A43, A44: Single); overload; inline;

Initializes the matrix with explicit values.

Parameters: A11-A44: the values of the matrix elements, in row-major order.

procedure Init(const AMatrix: TMatrix2); overload; inline;

Initializes the matrix with a 2x2 matrix. The 2x2 matrix is copied to the top-left corner of the 4x4 matrix, and the remaining elements are set according to an identity matrix.

the source 2x2 matrix.
procedure Init(const AMatrix: TMatrix3); overload; inline;

Initializes the matrix with a 3x3 matrix. The 3x3 matrix is copied to the top-left corner of the 4x4 matrix, and the remaining elements are set according to an identity matrix.

the source 3x3 matrix.
procedure InitScaling(const AScale: Single); overload;

Creates a scaling matrix that scales uniformly.

the uniform scale factor
procedure InitScaling(const AScaleX, AScaleY, AScaleZ: Single); overload; inline;

Creates a scaling matrix.

the value to scale by on the X axis
the value to scale by on the Y axis
the value to scale by on the Z axis
procedure InitScaling(const AScale: TVector3); overload; inline;

Creates a scaling matrix.

the scale factors
procedure InitTranslation(const ADeltaX, ADeltaY, ADeltaZ: Single); overload; inline;

Creates a translation matrix.

translation in the X direction
translation in the Y direction
translation in the Z direction
procedure InitTranslation(const ADelta: TVector3); overload; inline;

Creates a translation matrix.

translation vector
procedure InitRotationX(const AAngle: Single);

Creates a matrix for rotating points around the X axis.

the rotation angle around the X axis, in radians
procedure InitRotationY(const AAngle: Single);

Creates a matrix for rotating points around the Y axis.

the rotation angle around the Y axis, in radians
procedure InitRotationZ(const AAngle: Single);

Creates a matrix for rotating points around the Z axis.

the rotation angle around the Z axis, in radians
procedure InitRotation(const AAxis: TVector3; const AAngle: Single);

Creates a matrix for rotating points around a certain axis.

the direction of the axis to rotate around.
the rotation angle around AAxis, in radians
procedure InitRotationYawPitchRoll(const AYaw, APitch, ARoll: Single);

Creates a rotation matrix from a yaw, pitch and roll angle.

the rotation angle around the Y axis, in radians
the rotation angle around the X axis, in radians
the rotation angle around the Z axis, in radians
procedure InitRotationHeadingPitchBank(const AHeading, APitch, ABank: Single);

Creates a rotation matrix from a heading, pitch and bank angle.

the heading angle, in radians
the pitch angle, in radians
the bank angle, in radians
procedure InitLookAtLH(const ACameraPosition, ACameraTarget, ACameraUp: TVector3);

Creates a left-handed view matrix looking at a certain target.

position of the camera (or eye).
the target towards which the camera is pointing.
the direction that is "up" from the camera's point of view
procedure InitLookAtRH(const ACameraPosition, ACameraTarget, ACameraUp: TVector3);

Creates a right-handed view matrix looking at a certain target.

position of the camera (or eye).
the target towards which the camera is pointing.
the direction that is "up" from the camera's point of view
procedure InitLookAtDirLH(const ACameraPosition, ACameraDirection, ACameraUp: TVector3);

Creates a left-handed view matrix looking into a certain direction.

position of the camera (or eye).
the direction the camera is pointing in.
the direction that is "up" from the camera's point of view
procedure InitLookAtDirRH(const ACameraPosition, ACameraDirection, ACameraUp: TVector3);

Creates a right-handed view matrix looking into a certain direction.

position of the camera (or eye).
the direction the camera is pointing in.
the direction that is "up" from the camera's point of view
procedure InitOrthoLH(const AWidth, AHeight, AZNearPlane, AZFarPlane: Single);

Creates a left-handed orthographic projection matrix from the given view volume dimensions.

the width of the view volume.
the height of the view volume.
the minimum Z-value of the view volume.
the maximum Z-value of the view volume.
procedure InitOrthoRH(const AWidth, AHeight, AZNearPlane, AZFarPlane: Single);

Creates a right-handed orthographic projection matrix from the given view volume dimensions.

the width of the view volume.
the height of the view volume.
the minimum Z-value of the view volume.
the maximum Z-value of the view volume.
procedure InitOrthoOffCenterLH(const ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, AZNearPlane, AZFarPlane: Single);

Creates a customized left-handed orthographic projection matrix.

the minimum X-value of the view volume.
the maximum Y-value of the view volume.
the maximum X-value of the view volume.
the minimum Y-value of the view volume.
the minimum Z-value of the view volume.
the maximum Z-value of the view volume.
procedure InitOrthoOffCenterRH(const ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, AZNearPlane, AZFarPlane: Single);

Creates a customized right-handed orthographic projection matrix.

the minimum X-value of the view volume.
the maximum Y-value of the view volume.
the maximum X-value of the view volume.
the minimum Y-value of the view volume.
the minimum Z-value of the view volume.
the maximum Z-value of the view volume.
procedure InitPerspectiveFovLH(const AFieldOfView, AAspectRatio, ANearPlaneDistance, AFarPlaneDistance: Single; const AHorizontalFOV: Boolean = False);

Creates a left-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view, aspect ratio, and near and far view plane distances.

the field of view in radians.
the aspect ratio, defined as view space width divided by height.
the distance to the near view plane.
the distance to the far view plane.
(optional) boolean indicating the direction of the field of view. If False (default), AFieldOfView is in the Y direction, otherwise in the X direction
procedure InitPerspectiveFovRH(const AFieldOfView, AAspectRatio, ANearPlaneDistance, AFarPlaneDistance: Single; const AHorizontalFOV: Boolean = False);

Creates a right-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view, aspect ratio, and near and far view plane distances.

the field of view in radians.
the aspect ratio, defined as view space width divided by height.
the distance to the near view plane.
the distance to the far view plane.
(optional) boolean indicating the direction of the field of view. If False (default), AFieldOfView is in the Y direction, otherwise in the X direction
class operator Implicit(const A: TMatrix3D): TMatrix4; inline;

Implicitly converts a TMatrix3D to a TMatrix4.

class operator Implicit(const A: TMatrix4): TMatrix3D; inline;

Implicitly converts a TMatrix4 to a TMatrix3D.

class operator Equal(const A, B: TMatrix4): Boolean; inline;

Checks two matrices for equality.


True if the two matrices match each other exactly.

class operator NotEqual(const A, B: TMatrix4): Boolean; inline;

Checks two matrices for inequality.


True if the two matrices are not equal.

class operator Negative(const A: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;

Negates a matrix.


The negative value of the matrix (with all elements negated).

class operator Add(const A: TMatrix4; const B: Single): TMatrix4;

Adds a scalar value to each element of a matrix.

class operator Add(const A: Single; const B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;

Adds a scalar value to each element of a matrix.

class operator Add(const A, B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;

Adds two matrices component-wise.

class operator Subtract(const A: TMatrix4; const B: Single): TMatrix4;

Subtracts a scalar value from each element of a matrix.

class operator Subtract(const A: Single; const B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;

Subtracts a matrix from a scalar value.

class operator Subtract(const A, B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;

Subtracts two matrices component-wise.

class operator Multiply(const A: TMatrix4; const B: Single): TMatrix4;

Multiplies a matrix with a scalar value.

class operator Multiply(const A: Single; const B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;

Multiplies a matrix with a scalar value.

class operator Multiply(const A: TMatrix4; const B: TVector4): TVector4;

Performs a matrix * row vector linear algebraic multiplication.

class operator Multiply(const A: TVector4; const B: TMatrix4): TVector4;

Performs a column vector * matrix linear algebraic multiplication.

class operator Multiply(const A, B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;

Multiplies two matrices using linear algebraic multiplication.

class operator Divide(const A: TMatrix4; const B: Single): TMatrix4;

Divides a matrix by a scalar value.

class operator Divide(const A: Single; const B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;

Divides a scalar value by a matrix.

class operator Divide(const A: TMatrix4; const B: TVector4): TVector4;

Divides a matrix by a vector. This is equivalent to multiplying the inverse of the matrix with a row vector using linear algebraic multiplication.

class operator Divide(const A: TVector4; const B: TMatrix4): TVector4;

Divides a vector by a matrix. This is equivalent to multiplying a column vector with the inverse of the matrix using linear algebraic multiplication.

class operator Divide(const A, B: TMatrix4): TMatrix4; inline;

Divides two matrices. This is equivalent to multiplying the first matrix with the inverse of the second matrix using linear algebraic multiplication.

function CompMult(const AOther: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;

Multiplies this matrix with another matrix component-wise.

Note: For linear algebraic matrix multiplication, use the multiply (*) operator instead.

the other matrix.

This matrix multiplied by AOther component-wise. That is, Result.M[I,J] := M[I,J] * AOther.M[I,J].

function Transpose: TMatrix4;

Creates a transposed version of this matrix.

Note: Does not change this matrix. To update this itself, use SetTransposed.


The transposed version of this matrix.

procedure SetTransposed;

Transposes this matrix.

Note: If you do not want to change this matrix, but get a transposed version instead, then use Transpose.

function Inverse: TMatrix4;

Calculates the inverse of this matrix.

Note: Does not change this matrix. To update this itself, use SetInversed.

Note: The values in the returned matrix are undefined if this matrix is singular or poorly conditioned (nearly singular).


The inverse of this matrix.

procedure SetInversed;

Inverts this matrix.

Note: If you do not want to change this matrix, but get an inversed version instead, then use Inverse.

Note: The values in the inversed matrix are undefined if this matrix is singular or poorly conditioned (nearly singular).


property Rows[constAIndex:Integer]: TVector4 read GetRow write SetRow;

Returns the rows of the matrix. This is identical to accessing the R-field.

index of the row to return (0-3). Range is checked with an assertion.
property Components[constARow,AColumn:Integer]: Single read GetComponent write SetComponent;

Returns the elements of the matrix (in row-major order). This is identical to accessing the M-field, but this property can be used as a default array property.

the row index (0-3). Range is checked with an assertion.
the column index (0-3). Range is checked with an assertion.
property Determinant: Single read GetDeterminant;

The determinant of this matrix.

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