record TIVector2




type TIVector2 = record


A 2-dimensional vector that uses integer components instead of floating-point components.

TIVector2 is compatible with TPoint in the Delphi RTL. You can typecast between these two types or implicitly convert from one to the other through assignment (eg. MyIVector := MyPoint).



X: Integer
Y: Integer
R: Integer
G: Integer
S: Integer
T: Integer
C: array [0..1] of Integer


procedure Init; overload; inline;
procedure Init(const A: Integer); overload; inline;
procedure Init(const A1, A2: Integer); overload; inline;
class operator Implicit(const A: TPoint): TIVector2; inline;
class operator Implicit(const A: TIVector2): TPoint; inline;
class operator Equal(const A, B: TIVector2): Boolean; inline;
class operator NotEqual(const A, B: TIVector2): Boolean; inline;
class operator Negative(const A: TIVector2): TIVector2; inline;
class operator Add(const A: TIVector2; const B: Integer): TIVector2;
class operator Add(const A: Integer; const B: TIVector2): TIVector2;
class operator Add(const A, B: TIVector2): TIVector2;
class operator Subtract(const A: TIVector2; const B: Integer): TIVector2;
class operator Subtract(const A: Integer; const B: TIVector2): TIVector2;
class operator Subtract(const A, B: TIVector2): TIVector2;
class operator Multiply(const A: TIVector2; const B: Integer): TIVector2;
class operator Multiply(const A: Integer; const B: TIVector2): TIVector2;
class operator Multiply(const A, B: TIVector2): TIVector2;
class operator IntDivide(const A: TIVector2; const B: Integer): TIVector2;
class operator IntDivide(const A: Integer; const B: TIVector2): TIVector2;
class operator IntDivide(const A, B: TIVector2): TIVector2;
function IsZero: Boolean; inline;


property Components[constAIndex:Integer]: Integer read GetComponent write SetComponent;



X: Integer

X and Y components of the vector. Aliases for C[0] and C[1].

Y: Integer

X and Y components of the vector. Aliases for C[0] and C[1].

R: Integer

Red and Green components of the vector. Aliases for C[0] and C[1].

G: Integer

Red and Green components of the vector. Aliases for C[0] and C[1].

S: Integer

S and T components of the vector. Aliases for C[0] and C[1].

T: Integer

S and T components of the vector. Aliases for C[0] and C[1].

C: array [0..1] of Integer

The two components of the vector.


procedure Init; overload; inline;

Sets the two elements (X and Y) to 0.

procedure Init(const A: Integer); overload; inline;

Sets the two elements (X and Y) to A.

the value to set the two elements to.
procedure Init(const A1, A2: Integer); overload; inline;

Sets the two elements (X and Y) to A1 and A2 respectively.

the value to set the first element to.
the value to set the second element to.
class operator Implicit(const A: TPoint): TIVector2; inline;

Implicitly converts a TPoint to a TIVector2.

class operator Implicit(const A: TIVector2): TPoint; inline;

Implicitly converts a TQuaternion to a TPoint.

class operator Equal(const A, B: TIVector2): Boolean; inline;

Checks two vectors for equality.


True if the two vectors match each other.

class operator NotEqual(const A, B: TIVector2): Boolean; inline;

Checks two vectors for inequality.


True if the two vectors are not equal.

class operator Negative(const A: TIVector2): TIVector2; inline;

Negates a vector.


The negative value of a vector (eg. (-A.X, -A.Y))

class operator Add(const A: TIVector2; const B: Integer): TIVector2;

Adds a scalar value to a vector.


(A.X + B, A.Y + B)

class operator Add(const A: Integer; const B: TIVector2): TIVector2;

Adds a vector to a scalar value.


(A + B.X, A + B.Y)

class operator Add(const A, B: TIVector2): TIVector2;

Adds two vectors.


(A.X + B.X, A.Y + B.Y)

class operator Subtract(const A: TIVector2; const B: Integer): TIVector2;

Subtracts a scalar value from a vector.


(A.X - B, A.Y - B)

class operator Subtract(const A: Integer; const B: TIVector2): TIVector2;

Subtracts a vector from a scalar value.


(A - B.X, A - B.Y)

class operator Subtract(const A, B: TIVector2): TIVector2;

Subtracts two vectors.


(A.X - B.X, A.Y - B.Y)

class operator Multiply(const A: TIVector2; const B: Integer): TIVector2;

Multiplies a vector with a scalar value.


(A.X * B, A.Y * B)

class operator Multiply(const A: Integer; const B: TIVector2): TIVector2;

Multiplies a scalar value with a vector.


(A * B.X, A * B.Y)

class operator Multiply(const A, B: TIVector2): TIVector2;

Multiplies two vectors component-wise.


(A.X * B.X, A.Y * B.Y)

class operator IntDivide(const A: TIVector2; const B: Integer): TIVector2;

Divides a vector by a scalar value.


(A.X div B, A.Y div B)

class operator IntDivide(const A: Integer; const B: TIVector2): TIVector2;

Divides a scalar value by a vector.


(A div B.X, A div B.Y)

class operator IntDivide(const A, B: TIVector2): TIVector2;

Divides two vectors component-wise.


(A.X div B.X, A.Y div B.Y)

function IsZero: Boolean; inline;

Whether this is a zero vector.


True if X and Y are 0


property Components[constAIndex:Integer]: Integer read GetComponent write SetComponent;

Returns the components of the vector. This is identical to accessing the C-field, but this property can be used as a default array property.

index of the component to return (0 or 1). Range is checked with an assertion.

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