record TCompileCommand




type TCompileCommand = record


Represents the command line invocation to compile a specific file.



property Directory: String read GetDirectory;
property Filename: String read GetFilename;
property ArgCount: Integer read GetArgCount;
property Args[constAIndex:Integer]: String read GetArg;
property MappedSourceCount: Integer read GetMappedSourceCount;
property MappedSourcePaths[constAIndex:Integer]: String read GetMappedSourcePath;
property MappedSourceContents[constAIndex:Integer]: String read GetMappedSourceContent;
property Handle: TCXCompileCommand read FHandle;



property Directory: String read GetDirectory;

The working directory where the CompileCommand was executed from

property Filename: String read GetFilename;

The filename associated with the CompileCommand.

property ArgCount: Integer read GetArgCount;

The number of arguments in the compiler invocation.

property Args[constAIndex:Integer]: String read GetArg;

The arguments in the compiler invocation.

property MappedSourceCount: Integer read GetMappedSourceCount;

The number of source mappings for the compiler invocation.

property MappedSourcePaths[constAIndex:Integer]: String read GetMappedSourcePath;

The mapped source paths for the compiler invocation.

property MappedSourceContents[constAIndex:Integer]: String read GetMappedSourceContent;

The mapped source contents for the compiler invocation.

property Handle: TCXCompileCommand read FHandle;

Internal handle to C API

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